Tuesday, June 22, 2010

the weakest link . .


We all want to work on our strengths . . go in there . . lift BIGGG numbers to impress . . but when it comes down to our weaknesses, OH NO . . what weaknesses? too hard . . I don’t have time . . blah blah blah . .

You’re only as strong as your weakest link right?

You think you’re doing the hard yards by doing what you’re good at . . what gives you that little twinkle in your eye . . the fun stuff right . . THEN you hit a sticking point . . don’t know what’s wrong . . you were strong one week and now you can’t go any heavier . . so you eat more . . load up on those starchy carbs . . but nope . . still nothing . .

Are you working on your imbalances?

Do you know which side of your body is the weaker link?

Have you even tested it out?

Like a see-saw . . there needs to be balance . . 50/50 . .

When there’s an imbalance your body don’t care . . it will find a way to get the job done . .

Tight hip flexors means your pelvis is going to be pulled FORWARD . . the lower back now has to come to the rescue . . putting stress on the joints . . and it ain’t gonna be rays of sunshine . .

Then you’re going to have stuffed hip flexors AND lower back . . beautiful combination don’t you think?

And all of this is happening slowwwwly slowwwlyyy behind the scenes . . first it will be a bit tight . . then you think it’s good pain . . then the next day you push through the pain again . .until one day . . no more heavy boy toys for you .

Are you stretching enough? Doing enough prehab . . yeh you lift heavy weight . . but when something tears . . snaps . . pulls . . don’t come crying to mama . . your body is like a car . . can’t expect to run it through poles and brick walls & not get it serviced . .

Needs to be nurtured . . treated like a princess . . royal treatment!

So tell your ego that you’ll wait for him in the car.

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