Soon as i stepped foot in this big, wide world of fitness i got introduced to your typical bodybuilding style of training . . weekly body part splits.
I went hardcore.
I wanted to do every exercise known to man . . tackle everything that was thrown at me.
Since then, even though i haven’t been in the game for long, i’ve been exposed to MANY, many methods of training . .
As a beginner, it’s EFFING overwhelming.
The more research i did . . the more i became what i like to call, a training slut.
One day i would do one style of training. . another day i would do another . . the next day something different . . you get the jist.
The result? Not getting anywhere with my goals.
It’s like having 100 topless guys (or naked chicks . . whatever works) in front of you and you have to pick one . . you don’t understand why you can’t take all of them home with you.
So what do you do ?? . . you take ONE home and get the digits off the others.
In other words, you pick ONE training method . . let the others linger in the background . . stick with it for as long as required for you to see some sort of change . . and then stick with it for a little longer . . and a little longer after that.
Crossfit . . German Volume training . . athletics . . sprinting, whatever.
You need to understand that EACH method of training requires a certain conditioning period . . usually between 6-8 weeks, but it totally depends on YOUR body.
This allows your muscles, tendons, energy systems, to SLOWLY get accustomed to the fresh new work load and conditions your muscles to work FOR you, not against you (less risk of injury).
Results come with consistency, not consistent change.
The thing about being a beginner is you don’t know what the hell you want out of your training.
But the moment you DECIDE what makes your heart skip a beat . . when you decide to stop pussy-footing around, is when you begin to experience DRAMATIC changes in your body and your mind. . mentally & physically, because you’ll know EXACTLY what you need to do, and exactly when you need to do it.
The problem with being a beginner . . and this goes for MOST beginners . . you’re not alone, is you want results RIGHT now, so you assume if you pack a lot of shit onto your plate, you’re going to see changes QUICKFAST.
But your body won’t be able to cope for long . . especially if the only “exercise” you’ve been doing for the past 20 years is curling the extra cheesy cheetos from the bowl to your mouth.
Give a program the time it deserves to make some hardcore impact.
Don’t say “yeh ok” and a week later you’re doing different shit.
I’m serious, stick with it.
Don’t be that gym slut.
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